How To Drop A Hint

Helpful ideas to drop subtle hints you're ready for your partner to propose 

No matter how long you two have been together, when you are ready to take the next step, waiting for any amount of time for that proposal can have you on the edge of your seat. You don't want to seem too impatient, but you're ready to get this show on the road! 

There may be a reason why your significant other hasn't proposed quite yet, but here are some ways to encourage the perfect proposal when the time is right.

Listen and Reflect

What has your partner said about marriage? Are the comments about marriage positive or have they mentioned it at all?

It's important to listen to how your partner views the idea of marriage before you set expectations. Marriage in general may not be what they have envisioned for their future. Learning and understanding their views are fundamental.

Get the conversation going

The best way to drop a proposal hint is to slide it into everyday conversation. This is also a great way to gauge your partner's temperature on the topic.

  • Has a friend recently got engaged?

  • Parents or family members celebrating a wedding anniversary?

  • Reading a book or watching a TV show together where the characters are getting engaged?

  • Find a sweet or funny video on social media like Instagram or Tiktok where a proposal happened

Start the conversation without applying pressure by making the focus on someone else. The goal here is to talk about engagement in a positive way, keep the conversation light, we're just dipping our toes in here!


Talk to family and friends 

Are you close with any of his family members? It may be a great idea to broach the subject of a proposal with them. They may be able to put your mind at ease that a proposal is coming soon or go ahead and hint the subject up with your partner, a win|win. Friends can also be helpful in this case as your partner may feel more comfortable talking to friends about a proposal than parents or family members. 

Whoever you decide to speak to make sure they are trustworthy and discrete. The last thing you want is for them to tell your partner you're poking around; this may make for an uncomfortable position whether they are planning a proposal right now or haven't thought about it yet.


Make it clear you will say YES! 

As we mentioned above, there may be reasons why your partner is dragging their heels on popping the question. One of these reasons could be that they are not sure if you'll say yes. Fear of rejection can be a huge deterrent, so make sure you let them know if they do propose, you will say yes! 

If you know you both want to get married, maybe a little nudge from you in the right direction will help them gain confidence in proposing.

  • Show them a ring you like on social media, out and about, or on tv. This helps not only let them know engagement is on your mind but can also help with your preferences in a ring.

  • Talk about what you loved or didn't love about someone's proposal. Take a peek at our Instagram page @heartandhandproposals or @Ohsoperfectproposal is a great account on Instagram with plenty of videos to share on proposals.

  • Let us drop a hint. We'll send them a marketing email sharing some proposal inspiration and more information about us to get them on the right track. They will never be able to trace this back to you.

But Let's Get Real 

Subtle hints sometimes don't work. Make honesty the best policy, and ask them:

  • Do you want to get married? (If yes, it's important to know they are thinking of marriage with YOU)

  • When do you imagine we'd get engaged?

Timing and setting are everything when you are having a conversation like this so make sure you pick a peaceful moment where it's just the two of you. This is not a moment to apply pressure, but to have a comfortable conversation and get on the same page. If all things go positively then sit back, your proposal is coming as soon as they are ready!


Propose Yourself!

Yes. You. Can. There are no rules here. If you feel it's the right time, then what's stopping you from proposing yourself? Something to think about! However, be sure to do your due diligence on this one to make sure they aren't planning a proposal themselves and you just beat them to it.


If you're ready to pop the question yourself, let us help you with all the planning and details to make a special moment you two will never forget. Get in touch with us and view our services to get started!

Want some proposal inspiration? Check out our Instagram page @heartandhandproposals

We are here for all your proposal needs, do not hesitate to reach out. Ask your questions or add your comments below.


We can't wait to hear about your proposal!


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